BlepharitisThis is a common eyelid condition where the eyelid margins become red and inflamed. It is the source of roughly 1 in 20 ocular complaints when presented to GP's. Blepharitis can arise from a bacterial infection or can be associated with an underlying skin condition such as Seborrhoeic Dermatitis or Rosacea.
The signs and symptoms vary, usually the eyelids look red and puffy, it is also often associated with a dry eye due to the meibomium glands (oil producing glands on the lid margin) becoming blocked. This leads to a burning and itching sensation. In severe cases the eyelids can look crusty, as shown here, and the tears can look like they are foaming. The bacteria that cause this condition are often composed of the normal forna of the eyelid region and as such can be very difficult to completely eradicate. The mainstay of treatment is eyelid hygiene, rigourous and frequent cleaning of the eyelids using proprietary formulations of sterile water and bicarbonate of soda. |
Eyelid Hygiene
The eyelid can be cleaned using a cotton bud and a cup of luke-warm water with a small amount of bicarbonate of soda dissolved into it. Alternatively there are products on the market and available over the counter which can be more effective. Examples of these are Supranettes, Blephasol and Blephaclean. Dip the cotton bud in the water and pull the lower eyelid down, gently rub along the top edge of the eyelid with the cotton bud. Make sure that no bicarb/water mix gets into the eye itself. Gently wash he moisture away with fresh sterile water and repeat for the upper eyelid margin and the other eye.
Once you have cleaned the eyelid margins it may be a good idea to try and open the oil producing pores on the eyelid by placing a warm compress on the eyes, this could be a flannel but better still the eyebag has a proven record of helping with dryness and blepharitis. This is a microwavable wheat sac which gently warms the skin around the eye. You can get more information on this here.
It is very important that once the symptoms subside the cleaning regimen is continued on a less regular basis. Due to the presence of bacteria in and around the eye they can easily build again, causing further problems with blepharitis. It is, therefore, necessary to continue the eyelid cleaning to keep on top of the condition.
Only in severe cases is medication needed, if so one of our Optometrists would be happy to advise you of the best course of action. See the section on Emergency Eyecare for more information of how we can help if you are concerned.
Only in severe cases is medication needed, if so one of our Optometrists would be happy to advise you of the best course of action. See the section on Emergency Eyecare for more information of how we can help if you are concerned.